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Tips and tricks for looking after your Boost

Our breast forms are made from medical-grade silicone, and can withstand relatively high temperatures. They’re also free from silicone gel, so they can be submerged in water. We recommend washing your Boost regularly in hot soapy water, or you can pop it in the dishwasher to keep clean! 

During the summer months, having a breathable, lightweight prosthesis can make all the difference. In the past, some of our previous customers have told us about how they put their Boost in the fridge overnight to keep it cool, meaning they’d feel more ‘refreshed’ when it was time to wear it! You can take your Boost breast form swimming too! Prefer the warm? Then why not relax with your Boost breast form in the sauna?

All of our breast forms are sent out in cotton bags which either feature a zip, or cotton string tie. These bags are sustainably sourced, and are designed to keep your Boost clean on the go. Make sure not to throw yours away!

Find your style with our breast forms:


Find your style with our breast forms:
Our breast forms take on the traditional ‘teardrop’ shape. They have one dominant point at the top, followed by a softer base below. Typically, we recommend wearing our breast forms with the dominant point facing up towards your chin. You’ll notice the 5-point star at the front of breast form looks symmetrical when worn like this.
Although this shape works for many women, some prosthesis wearers may find that the top of the breast form begins to peep out when wearing low-cut tops or lingerie like a plunge bra. If you want to conceal your breast form, we recommend turning it 90*, so the dominant point faces out towards the underarm, almost mimicking the natural shape of the breast tissue.
Some may also find that this creates a more natural and symmetrical looking shape for them, so it’s always worth having a quick play around if the size is right, but the silhouette isn’t.
If you’re struggling to find the right Boost breast form, or want some fitting advice, you can check out our ‘How to Get Fitted‘ blog, or contact the team on using the contact form at the bottom of this page!



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